Here’s the thing - life is tough and it can leave us feeling pretty broken at times. But you don’t have to LIVE broken. Author and speaker, Mattie Jackson, is sitting down with inspiring authors, musicians, and entrepreneurs to uncover how they’re chasing the good in life and why they’re intentionally choosing joy even when life has knocked them down. Through personal stories and humorous encounters, these conversations are like sitting down with life-long friends – friends whose own courage to live joyfully will equip and encourage you to do the same. No matter the hurt you’ve experienced or what unknowns may lie ahead, there IS joy waiting for you - right here, right now. And Mattie is here to help you find it. This is the In-Joy Life Podcast.
I’d be willing to bet you’ve found and are listening to this week’s episode on your phone, right? So let me start by saying – phones are not evil! But we’re lying to ourselves if we don’t admit their power to addict, distract, and ultimately steal from many of life’s joys given the CONSTANT connection and attention most of us give them. Did you know…?
91% of adults have their phone within arm’s reach all day, every day.
63% are trying to limit screen usage somehow but struggle to do so successfully.
This week’s guest has fallen victim to constant phone absorption, as we all have, but he is offering us a solution. Joey Odom, co-founder of the Aro box & app, is bringing us the first solution designed specifically for families looking to reduce screen time and increase quality time together. The beauty of Aro? They’re not calling us back to flip phones or swearing off technology – they’re a tech company after all! Their ultimate purpose is to give us the tools, structure, and the emotional investment necessary to reset our relationship with our phones, and thus, reprioritize all the other relationships that have been suffering as a result of our devices.
There’s no shame here. Just the courage to face a tough reality along with a much needed, real solution. Thank you, Aro!
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